Air Conditioner Working Principle and Why Is Air Conditioner Capacity Measured In Tons?


An air conditioner is slowly becoming a necessity in India.  Air conditioners give you relief from hot temperatures and make you feel calm and relaxed, without any noise. This is the reason why AC is now growing faster than fans and coolers. In the office, you sit in the AC for the entire eight hours. There is something that we didn’t know about AC maintenance, and that is, what is the working principle of an air conditioner and why is air conditioner capacity measured in tons.

Air conditioner working principle:

An air conditioner collects warm air from a given location, processes it with the help of a refrigerant and a bunch of coils within it, and then releases the cold air to the place where the hot air was initially collected. Virtually all air conditioner maintenance work like this. Many believe that an air conditioner produces fresh air with the help of machines installed inside it, which can cause it to cool a room so quickly. Hence, they say why it consumes so much electricity. However, this is a misconception. The air conditioner is not a magical device; it uses some physical and chemical phenomena to cool a place very effectively.

When you turned on an AC and set your desired temperature (say, 25 ° C), the thermostat installed in its senses, there is a difference between the room air temperature and the temperature you choose. Hot air is drawn to the base of the indoor unit through the grille, which then flows pipes through which the refrigerant (i.e., a cooling fluid) is leaking. The refrigerant liquid absorbs heat, and itself becomes a hot gas. In this way, heat is removed from the air falling on the evaporating coil. Note that the evaporator coil not only absorbs heat but also expels moisture from the incoming air, which helps reduce condensation from the room. This hot refrigerant gas is then passed to the compressor (located on the external unit). 

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How to select an annual maintenance plan for AC

the compressor compresses the gas so that it heats up because compressing the gas raises its temperature. This hot, high-pressure gas then moves to the third section – the condenser. Again, the condenser remnants true to its name and condenses the hot vapor so that it becomes liquid. The refrigerant reaches the capacitor in the form of hot gas, but quickly becomes a cold liquid as the heat of the hot gas is transmitted to the surrounding atmosphere through metal fins. So, as the refrigerant left the condenser, it loses its high temperature and turns out to be a more cooling liquid. It flows through an expansion valve – a small hole in the system’s copper tubing – that controls the flow of cold liquid refrigerant into the evaporator, so the refrigerant arrives at the point where its journey began.

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Although all the types of machinery involved in the air conditioning process in the window AC are located inside the same metal box, the necessary means of cooling remains the same. The entire process is repeated repeatedly until the desired temperature is attained. In short, an AC for AMC unit draws in hot air and exits back into the room until more hot air cools. In this way, AC can provide us a fresh and cold air without any hassle.

As amazing as we may depend on air conditioners, it is surprising to note that they were not intended for human comfort when they were initially developed. The inspiration for the first modern air conditioning system was to eliminate some of the problems in the manufacturing processes of a publishing company! To think that a machine intended to support mass publishing paper could one day become an integral part of every modern home, is that enough?

Why Is Air Conditioner Capacity Measured in Tons?

What do you think as soon as you hear the word “ton”? Most people believe how massive a ton is: 2,000 pounds. But when we are talking about the capacity of air conditioners, a ton means completely different. A three-ton air conditioner does not weigh three tons – can you imagine installing a 6,000-pound air conditioner in your home? The word “three tons” is a phrase of how cold an air conditioner can cool a building in an hour. AC AMC is the key to the long-life service of any air conditioner system.

As cooling methods in the home were changed from old-fashioned ice to more modern air conditioning, such as today’s coil models, industry professionals continue to measure the amount of heat an air conditioner makes from a building. It can be extracted as tons. So if you have a three-ton air conditioner, And in HVAC parlance a ton is equal to 12,000 BTU, then that air conditioner can remove about 36,000 BTU of heat in an hour from your home. You can contact AC Care India to provide service to your air conditioner, so the working principle of your air conditioner works correctly. Every time they will take the low cost for cleaning your air conditioners, and they also provide first-time free service. These are some applied ways to keep your AC in working condition for an extended period. These tips prove to be magical when we come to the annual plans. The yearly program is insurance for a long-time service without maintenance.