Rice Pudding: 2 Easiest Ways To Make The Yummiest Rice Pudding Ever

Rice Pudding

Rice pudding, in our opinion, is underappreciated. A favourite of ours, it’s sometimes lumped in with jell-O moulds and homemade pudding, but it’s too tasty and straightforward to go out of style. If you’re lactose intolerant, use coconut milk for the milk.

What Is Rice Pudding?

Rice pudding is nothing more than rice that has been steamed and served with sweetened milk on top. Starch from the rice thickens the milk and suspends its delicate grains, making the dish creamier as it cooks. As a bonus, if you’ve got a lot of rice sitting around, this recipe is a terrific way of using it all!


  • 5 1/2 quarts of whole milk
  • A half-cup of powdered brown sugar
  • Kosher salt is 1/2 tsp.
  • 12 cups of jasmine-flavoured white rice
  • Four cloves minced
  • Two teaspoons of pure vanilla essence
  • Cinnamon powder for a garnish.

The Basic Ingredients for Rice Pudding

To make rice pudding, you’ll need the following:

  • Rice:

Long- or short-grain white rice may be used in this recipe, but not brown rice, which requires more water to cook. With cooked rice, either white or brown is OK. Because of its delicate flowery taste, I like using jasmine rice for rice pudding.

  • Milk:

Any milk may be used; however, the greater the fat content, the creamier the results will be. Want to give up dairy or go vegan? Non-dairy milk, such as cashew or oat, is recommended by one of our editors, and I believe it would taste delicious.

  • Salt:

Don’t skimp on the salt; a tiny pinch brings out the whole range of tastes.

  • Sugar:

For the first batch, start by adding about one-third cup of granulated sugar. To get the sweetness you want, start with a few tablespoons of brown sugar or liquid sweetener.

  • Vanilla:

You may either add vanilla bean paste or half a vanilla bean to the rice pudding at the beginning, or you can add vanilla essence to the rice pudding at the end to give it a wonderful flavour.

Cinnamon or raisins may be added to rice pudding to make it your own. Use your preferred spices or dried fruit to enhance the flavour of your dish.

What’s the best way to make it?

Extremely simple to make rice pudding. Mix 5 cups of milk, sugar, and salt in a medium-sized saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Remove it from the heat when it reaches a rolling boil.

The milk should be brought to a boil, then lowered to a simmer before the rice is added. Cook, stirring periodically, for 45 to 50 minutes, or until thick and the rice is soft.

Mix in the entire 12 cups of milk, the butter, and the vanilla extract. Serve either hot or cold, with a sprinkling of cinnamon, if desired.

To add richness, some rice pudding recipes temper egg yolks, but this is a time-consuming and risky procedure, and the eggs might scramble. Instead, add a tablespoon of unsalted butter at the end to make the rice pudding extremely rich.

Rice pudding may be served warm, chilled, or even straight from the pot. The milk will thicken as it cools, so thin it down if necessary with additional milk.

Make the Easiest Rice Pudding You’ve Ever Tasted!


  • a cup of uncooked white short-grain or long-grain rice
  • a third of a cup of granulated sugar
  • 3 to 4 cups of milk, either dairy or non-dairy, unsweetened.
  • Salt
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons of vanilla extract
  • This recipe calls for 1 tbsp of unsalted butter (optional)
  • Optional add-ons: 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon and 1/2 cup raisins

The Preparation:

  • Rice and milk should be measured out

A big pot should have 1 cup of uncooked white rice or 3 cups of cooked rice. For uncooked rice, use 4 cups of milk, and for cooked rice, use 3 cups.

  • Pour in the flavourings and stir to combine

Add 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt and 1/3 cup granulated sugar. Scrape the seeds from half of a vanilla bean and put them in the pot, along with the pod. Add 1 1/2 tablespoons of vanilla bean paste if using. Add-ons may be added at any time.

  • Bring the mixture to a boil

Using a wooden spoon or rubber spatula, scrape the bottom of the pan often while the mixture comes to a boil over medium-high heat, making sure the rice doesn’t cling.

  • Serve when the rice is done

In 20 to 22 minutes for uncooked rice or 10 to 12 minutes for precooked rice, cook the rice in a bare simmer until it is incredibly soft and the mixture begins to thicken, stirring regularly.

Add the vanilla essence and the butter. If used, add 1 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla extract and one tablespoon of unsalted butter if preferred to the pot and stir until the butter is completely melted. If necessary, remove the vanilla bean pod. Taste and adjust the sweetness level to your preference.

The rice pudding is ready. As the pudding cools, it will thicken even more. Serve warm or cold if preferred, and thin with extra milk if necessary.


  • To what extent may rice pudding be improved in terms of taste?

Experimenting with different types of stir-ins is a great way to improve the taste of rice pudding. Several spices might compliment the nutmeg, including cinnamon, cardamom, and even homemade vanilla essence (if you’ve run out). Sprinkle with brown sugar or pour a sugar substitute like honey or maple syrup on top for a little more sweetness. Are you allergic to raisins? Replace them with dried cranberries if you don’t like them.

  • Is it possible to freeze cooked rice?

Cooked rice can be stored in the freezer, yes. Cooked rice may be stored in an airtight freezer jar for up to six months. Wait a few hours before using food that has been defrosted in the refrigerator. Make careful to heed these instructions while reheating rice for pudding!

Wrapping up,

On a gloomy day, a warm bowl of rice pudding is like a hug. It’s aromatic, creamy without being heavy, sweet, but not overpowering—it’s a versatile dish that can be flavoured any way you choose. Try it with cinnamon, or add some plump, chewy raisins. There are so many ways to personalise it that it is one of the simplest puddings you’ll ever make, with a simple ingredient list and endless possibilities.