Top Mobile App Development Ideas that will Inspire You

App development

Top Mobile App Development Ideas that will Inspire You in 2020

How often do great business ideas capture your mind’s attention?


But how many times do you act and make something out of it?

Probably never. 

Creating a fabulous app is like the trend of this decade. It is a reflection of what you see is missing out in the world. That is why we dig into what can be produced to make the world and probably, the tech area profitable and a better place. It is not easy to generate an app idea and get it developed. The process can be a little daunting as well especially when there are endless possibilities for developing a mobile app. 

Remember, that vague ideas are what builds an exciting and user-centric app. Furthermore, an app is not about the investment but the amount of the hours that you bring in for converting the idea into reality. A poor concept never works and a great idea needs a seasoned creator to convert a simple app into a masterpiece. While you can always hire the best mobile app development firms, to explore the idea, conduct a broad analysis and expand your vision, look for companies that are known to help startups like yourself, since they will have high standards of innovation. 

Still not logged into a Mobile Application? See the statistics

The following shows the number of smartphone users around the world. Now amongst them, a total of 87% of people uses their mobile phones for apps and other data related to the apps. Not only this, but consumers have downloaded 178 billion apps in 2017 and the number is on an increase. It is projected that this number will increase to 258 billion in 2022. This means that if your business is all about launching a steady mobile app and you have an excellent idea too, you can earn leverage in the market. 

Still not sure, look at the next stat.

As per Statista, the total revenue earned from any mobile app downloads, advertising, and in-app purchases in 2016 was $88 billion and is projected to pass $188 billion in 2020. 

Mobile, right now is the future of the internet, 5G, and all the other technologies. Taking advantage of the present market is going to revamp your business into a profitable and high revenue generated prospect. 

5 Amazing App Development ideas for 2020 for Mobile App Development Firms

Right from booking cabs, to flight tickets, meditation, exercise, and dating, mobile apps have covered everything essential you need from an online resource. Such is the importance of mobile apps that if you want a successful business venture, you need a strong mobile app for it. However, you need your app to be unique since that plays a very important role in its success. 

If you need some brainstorming ideas for your next mobile app development project, the following are the best ones in the market and will accelerate your sales and revenue to a heightened level. 

1. An app for parking space regulation

One of the biggest problems people face in cities is finding an apt parking space. Developed cities are constituted as high population density regions. An app to find an ideal parking space in the city will be like finding golden goose. The app can consist of prerequisites like setting up parking spaces, identifying the peak hours, congestion areas, etc. 

The app can use GPS and traffic data analysis from Google and suggest the best parking slots in the nearby areas. This latest mobile app trend is going to win many hearts, mainly of the urban population. 

2. A healthcare app 

The medical facilities can be merged with the best technologies to reform the structure of the healthcare sector. This medical app is not only about medicines and ordering them online, but patients can also book the doctor appointments, gain all the medical-related information as well. The app can store the medical history of the user, the medications they use, symptoms, immunizations, appointments, allergies, and fitness records as well. 

3. A disaster management app

You cannot ever stop a natural calamity or disaster from happening, but you can always use cutting-edge technology to predict and reduce the destruction caused by it. A mobile app can give alerts to its users warning them of a possible natural disaster. This app can also help people who are stuck in uncertain conditions, request their location, and other important details. The rescue team can then take care of it from there. 

4. An app that lets you know a product with its photo

Many-a-times you get attracted to a product but when you start searching for it, it is so difficult for you to find it online. So, why don’t we build an app that can help you to search for a product by just its photo? Not only is this a creative concept, but it will be useful for customers of all ages and gender. 

5. All social platforms in one app

On average, any user has more than 4 social platform apps installed on their phones. We have Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn and so many more apps to check out the social media activity. Instead of having different apps, why don’t we just create one app to link all our social profiles to? Not only will it be highly convenient, but one platform will act as your ultimate social media house link. 

Final Words

So, these are the best apps can you can think about and maybe develop too. Did you get your ideas yet?