Three Tips for Social Media Success for Lawyers


Social Media is fast becoming the platform to use when reaching out to others. Today’s society relies primarily on social media to find out news and the reactions of other people to that news. It also provides easy access to new products and services as necessary. Therefore, the best bet when considering the way to optimize Social Media for Lawyers Los Angeles based and otherwise is to think of all the ways to stay off of the platform. Particularly when it comes to clients, it is important to minimize the use of social media.

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Keep Clients Off Social Media

Both during the case and after the fact, make sure clients understand the consequences of sharing information via social media. Precedents are already in place to show that verdicts can be overturned based on information shared on a social media platform.

Also, keep in mind that attempts to entrap another party on social media are fast coming back to bite the individual attempting the trapping, rather than the party who is the target. A fake profile and friending that individual is not the way to get help with the case. Instead, that usually tips off the opposing party and only has the judge questioned why the client goes to those lengths to help their side of the case.

Do Not Allow Editing of Social Media After the Fact

Once something is posted to social media, it is out there for the general public to read – and save for a later date. Therefore, there is no point in your clients’ attempting to clean up their social media after the case has begun. Instead, leave the posts and comments as is, and that way you have the same information as everyone else to work from. If the client begins deleting, it is unknown what portions will be brought up because someone took a screenshot and saved it for the trial.

Make Careful Choices on Friends on Social Media

As evidenced in certain situations lately where photographs that seem innocent lead to the firing of the individual in the photo (flag-decorated swim trunks, for example), it is important to remember who is on your friend’s list and what they are seeing.

Likewise, having judges or opposing counsel on your friend list may seem innocent, but one post by you regarding the trial and suddenly the prejudice associated with the trial can be called into question.

Keeping the above ideas at the forefront when considering social media use can be a big help to understanding social media for lawyers Los Angeles area residents can trust to handle the case most effectively. With social media such a focus of today’s society and communication, it is logical to make that a top priority for your law practice as well.