How To Transform Old Photographs Into Art?


Photographs are a way of revealing how beautiful reality truly is. However, most of our photos last only for a couple of years before it ends up in our attic locked in a box.

Although in a digital world most of our photographs land in the drive, but what next? Shouldn’t memories lift you in the darkest of times and not just be forgotten about?

The best way to treasure these memories is by turning these photographs into a piece of art.

Often people plunk in all these photos into an album creating a book down memory lane. But what a scene it would be to have your dear memories hung up on the walls of your home in form of a handmade painting.

It is widely known that art heals the mind and motivates you to go through the day. Keep your loved ones preserved in a traditional art form to motivate you when you feel low.

So, let me show you how easy it is to transform all those old photographs into art.

Selection Of The Right Photo

Art should show the simplicity and aesthetics of the person painted. To do so, it is utterly important to select a photo that shows the character’s facial characteristics clearly.

How would you understand if a photo will look pleasing once painted? Here’s are the tips:

  1. A portrait shot always works. A picture clicked torso-up exposing a little bit of the character’s hand generated visual interest.
  2. A clear view of facial characteristics is important. Make sure that the picture is well-lit and the details are visibly clear. Creating a perfect face is one of the trickiest tasks. A little bit of carelessness can change the entire face of a person.
  3. The eyes should be visible which may not be a problem in a portrait photo but if you want a side profile, it should be well-lit.
  4. Dark photos don’t go well in form of art. The picture should at least be partially lit to stimulate visual interest.
  5. It should not be an action shot. Action shots appear blurry and smudged in form of art which makes it a wrong choice in the first place.

When you have selected the right photographs, it is time you select the right medium to fit your needs.

Medium That Fits Best

Hardly has it been that old photographs were found in a proper condition. Most of the photos either end up tainted or torn.

It generally becomes difficult for the artist to make out the facial characteristics from a bad photo.

While I have given you a thorough idea of how to choose a perfect picture, expecting so much from an old photograph will be unfair.

To be sure that the artist can work adequately, it is important to provide him with a clear scanned version of the old photograph.

Once that is done comes the more difficult part – selecting the right medium.

Every photograph has a different touch to it would look better in a particular medium.

You need to consult with your custom artist regarding the best-suited medium for your photograph.

Additionally, the artist needs to be an expert in the particular medium since it is hardly possible that a good charcoal artist is also a good oil painter.

The most common mediums are:

  1. Oil
  2. Acrylic
  3. Charcoal
  4. Pencil
  5. Color Pencil
  6. Watercolor

And a good service will provide all of these varieties under one roof.

Once you put a stamp of approval on the medium, it is already time to commission a custom painting artist.

Choosing The Best Service In The Market

It is important to compare all the possible services in the market before you go ahead with something as intricate as art.

There are a hundred fishes in a pool of handmade painting and it is entirely on you to make a smart decision.

A promising service will make sure to keep the entire process transparent and provide guidance with every step.

You will not only receive a preview for every design but you will also be allowed to revise the artwork.

But how to understand which service is the best for you?

Keep a close eye for the following policies:

  1. Turnaround time.
  2. The money-back guarantees.
  3. Warranty period.
  4. Type and quality of the stationery used.
  5. The shelf-life of the portrait and how it is preserved.

Custom paintings are becoming a growing trend and with this, there are a lot of underhand practices going around the market.

It is of key importance to only verify before proceeding with a handmade painting.

If you ever feel dubious about which one to choose? We have the best offer with us.

Portraitflip is an E-commerce business the provides that specializes in providing custom handmade paintings to people with a vast array of painting styles, frames, mediums, and paint types.

But make sure you certify the service before you hit the order button because an expert artist will not only have a trained eye but a trained soul too.