5 Tips to Create a Stellar “About Us” Page


For an “About Us” page to be stellar, you need to ask yourself one simple question: what kinds of people will be interested in reading the content on the page?

The answer depends on the industry and the scope of your business. Large companies may expect potential partners and competitors to visit their “About Us” page; medium- and small-sized business’ pages are likely to be frequented by customers.

Not all customers read “About Us” pages, which is the first mistake when choosing the wrong sort of company. An “About Us” page is similar to “Terms and Conditions” in that it shows the reader whether your brand is trustworthy and reliable.

1. Proper Introductions Never Go out of Fashion

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An “About Us” page is equal to an introduction. Similarly to when we are meeting new people, we will be interested in who they are to determine whether we are interested in getting to know them better.

Whether your business will appear more attractive than a competitor’s relies solely on your presentation, which is, in this case, your “About Us” page.

2. Include Relevant Information Only

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As ever with magic formulas, a one-size-fits-all approach to brainstorming your “About Us” page doesn’t exist. Neither would it be good if it did. Namely, it is upon you and only upon you to determine the exact type of impression you wish to get across.

Of course, the tone of voice should be consistent. If your “About Us” page is written funnily and the content on your website and communication with customers is strictly formal, the “About Us” page will be the odd one out.

For example, can you imagine Rolls-Royce spouting out jokes when they are considered one of the biggest exclusive car manufacturers?

Of course, the tone of your “About Us” page should take into account the target audience. As a rule, brands serving younger populations do better when adopting a casual communication style, but that falls more into the domain of psychology and common sense than in an actual writing tip. 

As for the content, again, no rules are set in stone. However, some common sense applies here, too. An “About Us” page is, as the name portends, a text that allows the reader to get to know your business better.

To that end, some businesses stick to the established timeline, while others rely on team members’ biographies. Some add images and interactive content; others add listings and bullet points (in short, anything that makes the content more presentable and easier to keep track of). Social media trends are also right on par with this, so you can learn a lot from the information that businesses choose to include on their platforms.

3. Be Factual

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Whichever approach and form you choose, remember one thing: your statements should be presented factually. Boasting is never a good idea, mind you, no matter how successful or established your brand is.

An example would be: explain why interested parties should choose to do business with you (as opposed to stating “we are the best and we know it!”). What are the actual benefits of such a potential corporation?

No matter what you do, always strive to inspire trust. A trustworthy brand is likely to build a loyal customer base. It’s a no-brainer: why would anyone look for similar offers elsewhere and risk coming across dubious businesses when they know that your offer is the finest out there and that, should anything go wrong, they can rely on you to solve the issue?

Given that, nowadays, there are a slew of brands trying to make it big as fast as possible (it’s impossible, need we say?), many of which profit from dropshipping and similar activities, one of the safest ways to get customers to trust you is to provide the actual address of your business.

The practice is known to instantaneously inspire trust, as people will be able to check you out online and contact you directly.

4. Selecting the Best Content

Albeit there are no general guidelines on writing the finest of “About Us” pages, some pieces of information are more valuable than others. It is only natural to put your best foot forward by providing insights on what the reader may be interested in. 

To do that, you will need to remember the questions from above. What might be important to your customers? Is it your business credentials and awards? Is it the uniqueness of your products and services? Is it your superb experience?

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Of course, it would be best to state these facts in a way that will be attractive to the customer, by which we mean proper wording and visual presentation, not clickbait! Always underline the traits that set your business apart from the competition.

Simple facts stated humbly and straightforwardly are one of the best ways to present your company. A good example is seen on Moz’s “About Us” page:

As you can see, the explanation is more than humble but also more than sufficient to inspire trust in people.

Another successful approach would be to be creative and entertaining (but still provide facts only!) to make people remember your brand. A brilliant example is seen on LessFilms’ “About Us” page:

We especially enjoy how they love tacos and know karate, which makes the team members (whose profiles are provided just below this intro) more human and approachable, in a way. Plus, it can give a peak into your company’s culture.

5. New Businesses’ “About Us” Pages 

All that is nice, you might say, for businesses that have been around for a while. But, what about new businesses?

It is a valid question. New businesses don’t have a history of successes behind them, nor indeed much to say about their humble beginnings due to the simple fact they are at the beginning presently.

The safest way to go about describing such a business is to state your vision and explain how you aim to achieve your goals. With time, as you start fulfilling your goals, simply edit your “About Us” page to add the new data.

In a Nutshell

As you can see, the ultimate goal of every “About Us” page should be to establish a connection with your customers and business partners. If you are insincere or love to boast, you won’t get much from your presentation.

What is your business all about? Who are the people behind it? How does your business differ from other similar ones? How will your clients benefit from doing business with you? What is your business’ vision?

All that and more is what people look forward to learning. Just remember to maintain a consistent tone of voice and encourage communication. To that end, it is also okay to add links to your social media profile pages where customers will get to deepen the communication by contacting your business directly.