What Is the Major Difference Between Indoor And Outdoor Shooting


How it began

Ever since my college days, I was quite passionate about photography. My interest in the field was elevated when I received the camera of my choice as a birthday gift and photography became a lot more than just a hobby for me. My recent jobs provided me with exposure to commercial event photography in the vicinity of Fairfax, VA. Also allowing me to travel a lot and pick up great knowledge related to outdoor and indoor photography. I carry my favorite camera with me at all times. I take every shooting opportunity that I get to capture both outdoor scenes and indoor locations.

Importance of light

One important question which all photographers want to be answered is; what are the major differences between indoor and outdoor photography. How can one be good at shooting impressive photos both outdoors and indoors? One major lesson which I have learned over the years is that there exist major differences between indoor and outdoor photography and both the scenarios have their requirements, settings, pros, and cons. But one factor which must always be taken into consideration and never overlooked or underestimated is LIGHT. Good lighting is vital if you wish to shoot mind-blowing photos. So, finding a spot with sufficient lighting is essential, whether you are taking photos, indoors or outdoors.

Most photographers, prefer shooting outdoors because of the abundance of good natural lighting available. On the other hand, there are also many photographers who love to shoot indoors. Even though it is mostly a matter of personal preference but still it is crucial for photographers who have taken up this field as a full-time profession, to be knowledgeable about both the environments. They should know all the pro and cons of both types of light sources and also know the techniques required to make their photos look great in both of those settings.

Shooting Indoors

Depending upon the situations most photographers will have to go into their studios to get the right shots. I have spent a lot of time working in a family photo studio, and from my experience, I can tell you that it doesn’t make much sense to photograph small objects such as products or jewelry in an outdoor setting. You won’t gain much from that. Instead, an environment with well-controlled light will help produce the desired results.

Lighting systems available in studios provide unlimited creative freedom. You can choose from side lighting or backlighting, fluorescent or tungsten light bulbs, and brightness and diffusion options. Shooting in a studio is also less distracting and provides better privacy as well. This helps in focusing on the task at hand unlike shooting outdoors in full view of the public. A photographer can interact with the models comfortably without anyone looking over your shoulder.

In a studio photo backdrops, background stands and various other types of props are readily available to the photographers, so you don’t have to worry about forgetting to bring your photo equipment.

Besides a studio, shooting indoors can also mean you’re taking photos in any building. You could be taking photos in a bedroom, a hotel, a library or at a museum, and all would be considered as “indoor photography.” There are several important points you should consider when shooting at locations besides a studio:

First off, it is not only about your camera or the equipment you utilize. The most important factor as I mentioned before is the light source. If your indoor location has low light, then you’ll have to choose the right lens and also decide whether you will need artificial light sources to compensate for the situation. Using a tripod will be certain when attempting architectural photography. Another important task to perform will be to familiarize yourself with the area around you. Look for windows or doors which you can open to get your desired sources of lighting.

The color of the walls and other colors around you are also of importance as they can project on the subject of your photographs. Also, make sure the area where you are working is not too cluttered and won’t have any unwanted effect on the result of your photograph.

Shooting Outdoors

Now when it comes to outdoor shooting a lot of photographers prefer it because of the many particular opportunities which the outdoors offers. One of the most appealing factors is that an outdoor setting provides a great overall effect.

Working with nature has a particular appeal to it which appeals to and excites most photographers. And also not to forget the fact that working outdoors provides you with an unlimited source of light. Also, there are no time or space limitations as such. Shooting Outdoors also means that you have limitless background options. No need to worry about the scenes which you like to shoot or the background for your photos. You’ll have unlimited choices.

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I am a talented writer and experienced blogger and I have contributed my thoughts and articles to many renowned websites and Blogs. I also quite passionate about photography and often provides commercial event photography services. Read this post to gain from his experiences.