Things To Bring When You Visit the US

Travel list

You can’t just go to another country without heavy preparation. This is most especially true if you’re going to the US, where there is a constantly changing climate, diverse people, and a vast environment. This being said, it’s evident that there are a lot of essentials that you need to bring.

Since packing can be an overwhelming task, we have compiled some of the crucial things that you need to have throughout your trip.

On a side note, remember that you will need a visa, a K1 visa, for example, before you can go to the US. If you need help with immigration US and other visa needs, then you can turn to Immigration Advice Services. They have professionals that can increase your application’s success rate.

#1: Passport, Visa, & ID

The most important things that you should keep with you before, during, and after your trip are your passport, visa, and at least one ID. Without these, you’ll surely be in a lot of trouble. For instance, if you lose this before your schedule, you won’t even get to leave for the US. Not only that, but it also means having to spend a lot of money for reapplication and damage control.

#2: Cash

Of course, you also need to have cash with you. Make sure to set physical money (US dollars) aside from your credit or debit card. This will serve as your pocket money for small expenses and emergency funds. One tip that travelers follow is to place cash in several places, including wallet, the sole of the shoes, and likes. This is handy if ever any unforeseen event happens.

#3: Toiletries

Even if toiletries are usually provided in hotels and other rentals, you should still make sure to bring your own amenities. Generally, you shouldn’t forget your toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner (if you’re following a routine), and soap. For women, bring menstrual needs like pads, tampons, or cups just in case. Men, on the flip side, can get their shaving cream and likes.

#4: Snacks

Bringing small snacks like biscuits, chips, and likes will be handy if you want to save a little money during your trip. You can eat these in between tours or if you want a pick-me-up at any time of the day. Either way, bringing these will help you stay full throughout the trip. You won’t have to starve yourself or constantly spend money.

#5: Water Bottle

Bringing your own water bottle, preferably a reusable one, will improve the hygiene that you’ll get from another country. Not only that, but it’s also a cost-efficient way to stay hydrated even if you’re not familiar with the place you’re in.

#6: Medications

Even if you think you’re a very healthy person, emergency medications are a must to bring. Bring one for motion sickness, fever, colds, body pain, or dysmenorrhea (for women). Make sure to keep these in a safe and portable container, so you can easily bring them everywhere.

#7: Charger Cords/Powerbanks

No matter if you’re only going to stay in the US for 3 days or for a whole month, you should make sure that you have your charger cords (with EU adapter) and powerbanks with you. Not only that, but it’s also important that you keep your devices charged at all times. While you’re at it, buy a US SIM card for your phone.

#8: Complete Sets of Clothes

If you already have your activities planned for your arrival, bring all the necessary clothes that you’ll use for each. Also, prepare emergency and backup outfits just in case you have spontaneous itineraries on the side. Some essentials include swimsuits and warm clothes, aside from the basics.

#9: Small Bag

You can’t carry your suitcase around your trip. At the same time, you shouldn’t struggle to carry all of your necessities by hand. Instead, bring a small sling or shoulder bag. A tote bag will also work. Basically, you should opt for something easier to carry for everyday travels to make walking and exploring more convenient.


In considering the specific things to bring, rely on factors like how long your stay is, how many people you’re with, and other related needs. In this way, you can narrow down the essentials and avoid the possibility of overpacking.

If you’re one of those who are still planning to visit the US, make sure to start taking care of your visa.

You can apply for a tourist visa for a short-term stay. Alternatively, if you have a fiancé in the country and you’re planning to move together, you should consider a K1 visa. Since this can get tricky if you don’t know much about legal details, we highly recommend working with an immigration lawyer.

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She is an online marketing expert and working with DailyScrawl as an Editor. She has 4 years of experience in digital marketing and working with WhatisOP as well.