The Secret of the Idol of Lord Shiva You Should Know About

Lord Shiva

The Idol of Lord Shiva
There are 3 types of forms of Lord Shiva. All 3 forms can be represented with statues. The 3 forms are the Natarajan Avatar, Shiva Lingam, and the most renowned form with the moon on his top, the spiritual Ganga River in his curls, and a snake around his neck. Know what is some secret of the idol of Lord Shiva you should know about.

Direction for Lord Shiva
The sculpture of Lord Shiva should be placed in the East or North direction. The place of Shivling is to be comprehended in detail. It is significant to know that the outlet of the water poured on Shivling must be toward the north. If you wish to smear Shivling you must stand facing the direction of north. The sculpture of Natarajan is merely kept in the public temples and it should certainly not be kept in the houses.

The Great Redeeming Powerful Mantra
The magical mantra Om Namah Shivaya is recognized as a significant positive, powerful mantra also known as the five implosive mantras. The beautiful power mantra Om Namah Shivaya or ॐ नमः शिवाय (in the Sanskrit language) is one of the most admired Hindu magical mantras and the extremely vital mantra in Shaivism. You may not know many miracles of this mantra. … Om Namah Shivaya …

Why Devotees Knot with Lord Shiva
Devotees knot with Lord Shiva with their faith and spirituality. Shiva is the superlative realism, the internal Self. It is the name given to consciousness that resides in all. Shiva is the name of your factual identity and yourself. As per our Hindu scriptures and Vedic mythology, 3 Gods run this creation, Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh (MahaKaal). The Lord Brahma – who creates the universe, Lord Vishnu – who conserves the Universe and Lord Shiva (Mahesh) – who in the end destroys the universe? … Om Namah Shivaya …

Why You Should Chant the Mantra Of Shiva
Among the 3 main deities, Shiva, though measured as the destroyer, also signifies the – internal self which remains whole even after all ends. In this mantra the chanter, repeat the mantra, again and Again, to Get Contacted by Lord Shiva, His True Self. … Say Om Namah Shivaya …
The Power of Om Namah Shivay
Om Namah Shivay is an extremely influential mantra. It has been supposed concerning this mantra that if this mantra is chanted repetitively in your heart, then you do not need to do rigors, meditate, or do yoga. You require no rituals or rites to chant this mantra, nor must you chant it at a favorable time or in an exacting place.” This power mantra is free of all limitations for you to connect with Lord Shiva… Again and again, chant Om Namah Shivaya …

How to Chant ‘Om Namah Shivay’ Mantra
It can be chanted by anybody, young or old, rich or poor, it doesn’t matter what circumstances a person is in, it will purify those who chant. Sit in a comfy and calm place and pose. Start chanting the mantra in your brain or vociferously at the same speed as you converse; Om Namah Shivay ( Like Aum Num-ha Shi-why). … Om Namah Shivaya …

Chant this Lord Shiva Mantra with Belief and Devotion
When you chant this mantra you should do it with whole belief and devotion to know your inner self and the purity of your body and mind. Lord Shiva Will never let you down in your life if you get connected with Lord Shiva in truth. This mantra also can revitalize your energies and give you the power to face all types of ups and downs in your life. The great supreme Lord Shiva… Om Namah Shivaya…

How to Reduce the Bad Effect again Planets by Connected to Lord Shiva?
The chanting of the name of God is equal to be merged in his extreme being. When you chant God’s name on your lips, in one means, you experience God itself. Just chant this mantra with the belief and its influential utterance vibrations will begin doing wonders for you. By repeating the power mantra Om Namah Shivaya; it cancels out almost 99% of the harmful effects of the planets. One percent of the impact may still be there, but 90% to 99% can be removed. … Om Namah Shivaya…

Hindu Temple Architecture
India is a very religious country and is known for its technology, and strongly believes in religion and entertainment. People in India believe and follow the traditions and very myths that have been known for a long time in India. You can learn more about Hindu temple architecture.
India is a country where you can see so many types of architectural designs and where you can see so many types of architectural designs and where you can see so many types of architectural designs. The architectural design of India has a unique structure. Especially in temples, Indian temples followed the rules and regulations which is mentioned in Vedic scriptures and known as Vastu Shastra. The most suitable Scriptures is Agni Purana describes the Vastu for Hindu temple construction.

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This is Kumari Ankita, blogger and writer at Tulipshree Infotech. I have done English honours at the University of Rajasthan. My expertization is in writing in various categories like technology, fashion, entertainment, travel, health and education. I began my blogging journey 4 years ago. She always tries to discover new trends in the world and loves to write blogs.