Project Management Tools Must Have


Getting work done is always an important thing to consider. This can be done in a much easier fashion with the right tools. Below are 6 must-have project management tools worth considering.

1. Trello

Trello is a New York-based company and is completely free to use. The platform currently has more than 35 million users and is a popular project management service. Trello allows users to customize boards and easily collaborate with others on projects. The platform is known for its simple interface and additional features are easy to add on for low costs. These aforementioned boards can be separated into easy sections such as “To Do”, “Doing”, and “Done”. It is quite easy on Trello to invite additional collaborators making this an excellent way to manage time and work.

2. Kanban Tool

The Kanban Tool is another very popular online service for project management. The Kanban Tool is very similar to Trello in that it helps teams visualize workflows in real-time. This tool also offers a free service, but added features run just $5 per month to use. Kanban Tool also has free Android and iOS mobile apps available to use. The tool also makes it easy to automate various processes and share files throughout the network. The technology also is useful when it comes to figuring out when a project will be completed and hosts a number of graphs and charts based on the information available. There is extensive support for this platform and it is very easy to customize.

3. Milanote

Milanote is another online resource that will help to streamline your workload. The service is a good one spot shop for organizing notes, to-do lists, and it allows you to easily upload files, images and much more. It is very easy to drag different tasks to different places in the service, while real-time editing is quite simple. Milanote is a great project management tool for any large team and worth considering.

4. Proofhub

Proofhub offers a free 30-day trial and is then $50 per month to use. The platform is very simple to use and the service allows up to 40 projects to be managed at one time as well as 15 GB of storage space. The service is a good fit for midsize companies and businesses.

5. Slack

Slack is a well-known service that is growing quickly and now has the support of Amazon to boot. There are several ways to organize chats, sharing of files, and workloads for each specific employee. Slack continues to innovate and will be adding many new video technologies with the help of Amazon in the future.

6. 10,000 ft

Last but not least is 10,000 ft, which is good for those with an already established team of workers. The project management tool offers exquisite tracking and the ability to follow schedules quite closely. There are also a number of tools to help when it comes to tracking the finances of a business. The service costs about $49 per month.

With these 6 tools, you will be able to get more done in no time. Of course, taking these various platforms to a coworking space can really take your business to the next level. Not only will you be able to collaborate cheaply online, you’ll also be able to meet in person too when it is necessary. Take a moment and consider if each one is right for you and go from there.