Pro Warzone Tips To Instantly Get Better

Call of duty

Warzone requires skills and strategies to win. Some players get frustrated when they can’t seem to kill as they want; instead, they die unnecessarily. Well, everyone is shooting at something, and if you’re the target, you’re sure to die. But you can turn the tides to your advantage by reading this article.

This article will share some professional warzone tips that will help you leave the newbie level faster. So instead of dying too often, you can kill more enemies and survive the terrible fights and confrontations. We also quickly recommend that you get some warzone hacks that can help you play the game better.

So, if you’re ready to improve with speed, let’s dig in.

Warzone tips for better results

1. Target the right position

Your position when entering into a gunfight determines how you do in it. The simplest thing to do is target a power position. This position could be a strong cover such as a big rock, a tall building, or even the crest of the numerous hills in the game. Any position that enables you to see where the enemy is hiding is a power position. But make sure you are covered and have some escape routes to use if the tide turns.

2. Prepare the best Loadouts

Always prepare an optimized loadout for this game if you want a better play. If the weapon you have is a DMR, grab the best attachment perks. Also, get a secondary weapon ready to ensure you win many gunfights. Many professionals in Warzone combine Submachine Gun and Assault Rifle in their loadout. So, check these weapons out and get the attachments for enhanced performance. When you prepare the loadout, you stand chances for surviving the fights more.

3. Check your map for nearby contracts.

Contracts attract players a lot. There are different types of contracts on the game, including Bounty contracts, Top-Secret Contracts, Recon contract, Scavenger contracts, Most Wanted Contracts, and Supply Run contracts. Each of these contracts attracts bonuses and rewards that include loot, cash, etc. So, many players often target their locations on the maps, and you can follow them to discover enemy squads to kill. For example, when you see a Bounty vanish, that means there are players there to be killed. Also, if you’re not equipped to fight enemies, you can avoid contract locations as many players will be around them.

4. Use the “Dead Silence” Upgrade

Do you want to kill enemies without making a sound? If your answer is yes, then you need this field upgrade. This ability helps you to move silently and also makes it a bit faster. You can sprint, walk and even jump without anyone hearing your sounds. But be careful because the upgrade is of the lower level and can only last for twelve seconds.

Moreover, it silences your sounds up to 60% only, meaning that any player with advanced sound systems can still hear you. But it can help you to take a building and catch enemy teams unawares. Also, when you bring down an enemy, make sure they’re dead to reset the upgrade for more periods.

5. Try to be faster in the game.

No matter what you’re doing in the game, remove hesitation as even a second of such can kill you. Always pay attention to what you’re doing and keep going without breaks. For instance, if you’re planning to ambush the enemies at a particular location, be fast in taking the position. Don’t stop and start every second to avoid being caught by the enemies. Also, always remember that enemies might be equipped with heartbeat sensors and UAVs to discover your existence. So, complete loots contracts faster and also move quickly getting caught.

6. Don’t ignore supply runs.

Supply runs are crucial for quads or trios. But it helps you some cash which you can use to bring back your teammates into the game after a wipe. When your team enters the Gulag, the first player who leaves it goes for the contract, and the second player should also complete the contract. Completing the contract will equip you with the cash to buy those who didn’t win in the Gulag fight. The cash can also help you to drop your loadout faster.

7. Find Cover for Gunfights

Gunfights are exciting and all, but they’re safer from Cover. So, before you engage in a gun battle, make sure you have a cover nearby. It can be a hill or other cover options. Cover will help you to avoid getting hit by the enemies in the fight. 


Gunfights in COD can be intense and frightening. Sometimes, you may die without notice as bullets spray from every corner of you. But don’t worry, with these Warzone tips, you can play like a pro even when you’re still a newbie. Also, don’t forget to utilize proven warzone hacks to enjoy the game more.