New Mom Essentials: Must-Haves in Your Baby Bag

leather bag

As every parent in Australia would agree, no amount of training can fully prepare one for the task of taking care of a newborn. Going out with the baby can be as exciting as it is stressful. 

No matter how many times one reminds oneself of the necessary items, there are still things that are not there in the bag when one looks for them. How can one prepare oneself to be ready for all situations? The first requirement is to have a big, sturdy bag that will support the weight and accommodate all essentials. 

Leather baby bags are more durable and convenient than their counterparts. Packing it requires the same caution as when one packs the hospital bag. Looking for “Things to pack in a diaper bag” on Google will give a barrage of information. 

The essential items are condensed here: 

  • Diapering Needs: Diapers, towels, wipes, diaper cream or lotion, and wet bag.
  • Clothing: Bibs, blankets, change of clothes for both the baby and the mother.
  • Food: Snacks, water, breastmilk, formula, sippy bottles. 
  • Toiletries: Hair ties, sanitiser, bobby pins, comb, etc.
  • First-aid kit 
  • Other: Pacifier, chargers, Ziploc bags, toys.

These are the basics, and listed below are some of the oft-ignored things discussed in detail:

1. Extra clothes :

Although it may seem obvious to have extra clothes in that leather baby bag, how many are enough? If it is a special occasion, have a backup for the backup. Plan A almost always needs a plan B when there is a baby involved in the equation. 

Suppose the baby messes up their costume while their parent gets them into a new pair of clothes at a store. One might later decide to go to a restaurant where the baby spills something on his/her clothes again. During such cases is when extra clothes come in handy. Always carry two outfits.

2. Extra Clothes for the Parent:

Most times, when a baby makes a mess, it also ruins the parent’s clothes. Many do not care enough to pack clothes for adults, and that is where they are wrong. The adults need a change of clothes during an emergency as much as a baby needs it. 

Be it a breast milk leak or covered in the food that the baby spits, having an additional costume might save oneself from the embarrassment. 

3. Wet Bags:

Wet bags are an under-appreciated invention. It is a blessing in disguise to store things that could otherwise ruin the bag. A wet bag is a waterproof, pouch-like bag with a zipper. Parents can use it to hold anything from a diaper that has to be disposed of later to wet baby clothes. One can never be careful, and when a blowout inevitably happens, a wet bag can save a lot of trouble. 

4. Hair Ties and Other Toiletries:

All women go through the trouble of searching for hair ties and bobby pins their whole life. New moms need it more during times like feeding the baby and other times when the hair needs to stay in place. So why go looking for it all over the place when one has to store it in their bags. 

Putting little essentials and trinkets in a small pouch inside the bag makes it easier to spot them next time they are in demand. The parent must ensure to place them right back to where they came from before. 


Have a checklist if it helps to remember. Do not forget how important the bag is. Choose one that is large enough to fit in all this stuff.