All you need to know to properly choose your pellet gun


Like some of your acquaintances, you want to practice the air gun. An activity very appreciated by its practitioners who can nevertheless scare the newcomers. What type of replica to choose? What are the specificities of each technology? What does the law say about this? Gun Evasion makes the point to help you see more clearly! If you are interested in this sports then you need to buy the best airsoft sniper rifle or gun, I recommend you before buying any gun or rifle kindly read reviews and expert advice.


What does the law say about pellet weapons?

Air guns using shotguns belong to category D weapons, provided their power is below 20 joules. To be able to buy a category D weapon, be it a rifle or a pistol, you must be of age. Their detention is nevertheless free, requiring no hunting license or registration in a shooting range. In addition, no condition or declaration of detention is imposed by law.

Finally, if the legislation does not specify anything concerning the transport of rifles and pistols, it is, however, advisable to use common sense avoiding to alarm its neighborhood, by transporting it in a suitable cover and by immediately signaling the presence of a lead replica in the event of a roadside check.

The different modes of operation

The large family of lead replicas is divided into two categories: manual models on one side and automatic models on the other.

Manual plumber’s fire shot by blow. The compression of the air, necessary for the projection of the lead, is generally made by folding the barrel, hence the term “break barrel “. For most models called “spring”, the piston is compressed by a spring as is the case on most entry-level pellet weapons. However, on models equipped with “Nitro piston “, the spring is replaced by a cylinder increasing the power of replicas, generally up to 19.9 joules, and their longevity. It also offers reduced noise and vibration compared to a spring model. On a few rare models, the compression is ensured by a pump system, which allows to precisely adjust the power of the shot.

The automatic pellet guns rely on them on the use of a CO2 cartridge present in the butt. Dependent on gas, they still offer more realism thanks to their blowback breech, absent from hand replicas.

The different types of projectiles

In addition to round pellets with a diameter of 4.5 mm, there have been other types of projectiles in the area of the airgun as the flat head seals, conical head, with a pointed head with double grooving. One of the most popular is the skirted lead that proves accurate provided it is used with a replica equipped with a stripped barrel. It also loses a lot of energy to the impact which limits the risks of a return to the shooter but can in very rare cases, to generate a fragmentation of the projectile.

Note also the existence of steel balls, which are used with replicas with a smooth barrel. Heavier than the shots, these projectiles go a little less far and are a little less precise than the shots. Their main advantage? Offer a better autonomy to the replica and also more realism!

There are few models of pistols and rifles that can use both steel balls and pellets. Therefore: be careful not to damage your cannon by accident using the wrong type of projectile!

Choose between pistol and rifle

When one begins to practice target shooting, inevitably raises the question of the type of airgun replica to favour between the gun and the rifle.

Apart from the external aspect, the internal functioning and the position adopted during the shooting, the two categories of replicas are distinguished on many other points. Keep in mind, however, that rifles generally offer greater accuracy even over a long distance. However, this is not a reason to sulk guns, including the lead revolvers, which offer their share of sensations and especially a remarkable finish for a look of the most devastating!

See Also: Most powerful air rifle

For maintenance and shooting practice

A replica of air gun that is maintained; especially if you do not want to lose performance from month to month.

If you have just purchased your replica, know that there are treatments specific to certain technologies, such as lubricant cartridges for CO2 replicas to be used alternately with conventional cartridges. Finally, cleaning kits for rifled barrels can take care of rifles and pistols with this type of gun.

Finally, let’s finish by mentioning the essential elements of the practice of the air gun: the goggles and the target. The advantage of the targets is that there are all kinds (small, large, fixed, mobile) to vary the pleasures and difficulty!