How to Plan Out and Write Your Next Blog Topic


I get a lot of question from people, how to plan out and write our next blog post. Some of them have a complain that they waste a lot of time deciding the next topic and completing their whole post.

Well, so today I decided to write about this specific topic so that other people can complete their blog posts in time without wasting too much of their time.

There are different types of posts, for example, regular post about a general topic, product review article, news type and so on. But they all need the same planning and writing method.

All people have their different writing style and planning method; no one is wrong. So I am going to share the most common method which I follow. Maybe some of you might learn new things from this article and change your perspective of thinking.

So How I Write a Blog Post

1. First Think of an Idea

First thing first, you need to think about a blog topic that you are comfortable to write and know what to cover in that whole article.

Trust me it is a great way to start by first deciding the topic otherwise you will end up wasting your time just thinking about the next topic.

Sometimes what happens is we can’t think of any idea. Yeah, that does happen even with me. I get ideas while I am surfing on the internet or when I am reading something on the internet.

So when I see an article and think that I can write better than him with great info, then I write down that topic for my next blog post.

If you find any new idea about blog post just write it down somewhere so you can’t forget about that. You can use tools like Google doc or Evernote for this.

There are so many ways you can find new topic ideas. And the best way is to try searching some random ideas. For example, if you want to write about SEO but doesn’t what to write in it then try google for keyword SEO and look for suggestions at the end of the page.

Another best tool to find such ideas is the Google, keyword planner. Once enter SEO keyword in it, it will show you a bunch of related keyword phrases which might interest you.

So after you decided your blog topic next step is research.

2. Research The Topic

You may be an expert on that topic, but we all need to do some research on the topic so we can provide better in-depth information on that particular topic.

But you know sometimes we need to write a blog post about a topic that we are completely unaware of.

So what will you do then? I have been in this situation for a long time now.

For example, if I am writing a product review.

So what I do is, first of all, I try to learn how that thing works by watching videos and reading other articles. Then I would read other product reviews and try to see the perspective of other reviewers.

After enough research, I can definitely write a great product review than other reviewers, and the same goes for other articles in case you don’t know enough about the topic.

Now that you have researched the topic very well, you need to write down what are you going to cover in that whole article.

3. Start With a Rough Plan.

Before you start writing you should make a rough plan for the topics, you are going to cover. If you don’t do this then at the time of writing you will go off topic and lose the interest in writing.

Whenever we start writing, our mind starts thinking about other things, and that happens only when we don’t have a clear vision.

So when you make a list of subtopics for that article beforehand, It will keep you busy and you will complete your blog post in no time.

4. Write an Introduction First

Structuring your post helps you write efficiently and at the same time, it helps your reader to navigate to a different subtopic of your article.

Now that we have outlined our blog topic the first thing we should write is the introduction. Most of the people start with the introduction when they read an article, so that is why you need a strong introduction to any post you write.

If they didn’t like your introduction, there are fair chances that they might bounce back to search results and that is a very bad signal in Google’s eye.

Your introduction should summarize the main goal of your article and what are you going to talk about in this article.

But don’t make it too long that people might get bored of it. So keep it short and simple, and you are good to go.

5. Write out the sections of the article.

Now it will become very easy to write the whole article because you have already outlined the content and now it will feel like feeling in the blanks right.

A great example of this is, If you are writing an article like “Top 10 list” then you can make a note of all lists beforehand so at the time of writing you don’t need to think about other lists which may result in going off topic.

6. Conclusion & Call to action

Most of the people don’t write a conclusion at the end of the post. Well, there is nothing wrong with that, BUT it gives a clear idea to your readers about your blog post in short paragraph.

I have seen some people that won’t read the whole article, but instead, they would just read the conclusion of the article. This may not affect at all in a regular blog post, but when you are writing any product review for an affiliate site, it is very important to write a conclusion.

Another main point in the article is “Call to action.” When you are targeting an audience to specifically buy something from your site, then you must write a call to action.

Basically, Call to action is a strong appeal to readers to take action or encourage to do something. For example in the product review article, you would write something like this, “I strongly recommend this product because of its impressive XYZ features.”

And another example of this would be “Comment down below if you have any queries.” This way you are encouraging the audience to comment on your article that is helpful in rankings.

7. Proofreading

After writing the article it all comes down to proofread the article.

You may have made many sentence error or grammatical error that you might be completely unaware of until you read it again.

It is a very standard practice to read your article after writing it so you can correct your grammatical mistakes.

If you think that changing or removing a particular sentence may do any good then remove it without a second thought.

So always proofread your article after you done writing it and do not hesitate to make any changes in it.

8. Add Internal and External links

Adding internal and external link in your article benefits your site and readers to a great extent.

If your reader is reading your article and you have interlinked your another great article to this one, then they are likely to click on that article.

So this reduces your bounce rate and helps in improving your ranking. And adding external links also increases your relevancy.

A recent study shows that the adding external links to authority sites do help in ranking so yeah why not do it.

Final Words

When you are happy with your article, hit the publish button. Always create quality content that satisfies the user intent.

If your article is helping the user, they will definitely come back to your blog.

So, in the end, I would say that plan out your article carefully and try to complete it in less time everytime you write your post so it will help you write faster and publish many posts as possible.

If you have any queries do comment down below and if you like the article then also comment down below.