How to keep your content stable when social shares dive

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Things really become tough when you are doing everything right from your side but still, your social shares dive. It becomes even worse when your client asks you to buy 10000 YouTube subscribers and not put trust in your skills. It is a science behind the social sharing and as a professional content marketer, without understanding it you cannot keep your content stable when social shares dive due to any reason.

According to the science of social shares, every content has a point where it sharing dive. This is imminent for all the content which is why a marketer should not count every post in the social dive account. There are ample things and steps you can take which can keep your content stable in such situations. To know some of these, continue reading this blog because in the next lines I am going to explain how you can keep your content stable when social shares dive.


Do not hit the panic button
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It’s been a day since your content is live and it is hardly any engagement or sharing it got, believe me, there is no need to be a worry here. Just like nature, it is natural too that you would not get as much sharing for your content as you used to or expected to get. There could be many reasons for that but before going into those, you have to keep yourself calm and figure out the situations.

Give it some extra time

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You know that social sharing is slow and people for unknown reasons are not as active on the internet nowadays as they used to be. That is why you have to be more patient with your posts and have to give it more time to optimize. Let your content on your social mediums for at least two to three days before putting up another one. This will help your viewers and readers finding more time to keep themselves updated with all the content you post.

Focus on curiosity building content

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When the things start getting tougher, it is necessary that you change your tone too. In the time when very few are ready to read or share your content then you have to be a little out of the box here. Start writing in a way that it creates curiosity in those who glance it at once. This will not only help you in gaining some views but also if it is interesting enough, you can also start gathering your shares.

Use different ways

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If nothing is working, there are a lot of ways to do it too. Instead of sticking to your old methods, try to discover new ways of getting shares. You can either mold your content to the hot topics or there are also some services which can get you YouTube subscribers legit shares that can boost your social shares. The more ways you will discover to get shares the more stable you can keep your content which can help you in every situation doesn’t matter how much low the social shares are going.