Alternative Stones of Diamonds for Engagement Rings


Is diamond becoming a common choice for you and you want to offer a distinctive stone made a ring for your engagement then there is a wide range of choices for you in the market with enormous designs and collections? Make an alternate choice from the highly priced stones to the lower priced apart from the stunning appearance of the stones.

1)    Turquoise

A glam combination stone of green and blue together shines to produce particular and wonderful color from the stone anyone bride will love to grasp on this Turquoise

Stone made a ring in their engagement. Rarely found and one of the valuable precious stone, that will make your bride feel highly special.

2)    Blue Sapphire

This blue glittery color and shining precious Blue Sapphire stone can also be your bride’s engagement ring. Sapphires are found in different colors but the blue color is mostly preferred as in engagement ring which is precious and the best gift for your beloved bride.

3)    Emerald

Distinctive designs collections for your bride instead of the diamond rings. Wonder attractive cut out the emerald stone, dense green in color believed to be the Goddess of Venus. Carved designs with a mix of other colorful stones or only a cut of emerald stone each have its own beauty in designs.

4)    Morganite

Anyone will go mad with this Morganite, the pinkish purple color of this stone. Shining bright but transparent and light in color, soothing appearance of this rare stone with stunning carved and cut designs on stones attached to the rings will put your bride mouth open for a while.

5)    Garnet

Crystalline appearance and red in color, since Bronze Age this stone is in use for jewels and ornaments, one more valuable stone and a perfect way to express your only love for your bride and the value you have for her in your life.

6)    Pearl

Centuries and centuries have passed by while no other stones have to take the place of pearl. Whitish color and shiny appearance of the stone on rings give glamour the hands of the bride. One of the best options for your bride to have prettier hands is the pearl stone rings.

7)    Amethyst

Did you know that Amethyst is a variety of quartz? The crystalline stone which is violet in color is cut and carved to unique design collections. Engagement rings are perfect with this stone as it is a sign of luxury and generally gifted as a token of love and sophistication.

8)    Tourmaline

Unique crystal rings made of Tourmaline can also be your choice as a gift to your bride. Variety of designs are found and also a precious stone that can be combined with gold or silver color metal for rings. Stunning appearance and crystal shine is something which has made Tourmaline jewels on demand.

9)    Topaz

A gemstone with different color found and ideal for jewel preparation for its quality and hardness. Shining with the crystalline features of topaz can make your engagement evening highly envious for your guests while you present your ring with topaz stone to your beloved bride.

10)    Opal

Colorful opal gemstone carved and fixed in the golden ring. What else will you need if your bride finds out that an Opal stone ring is gifted to her, a distinctive and creative thought by her husband? Make her think that you are smarter apart from it you think something unique about your beloved.

11)    Ruby

Though it is said that ruby gemstone is worn for success and growth, it can be gifted as an engagement ring to your bride, since you will also pray for your bride’s growth and progress. So a simple and stylish way to bless you bride with the best kind of wishes through this ruby rings.

12)    Peridot

The stone sin of prosperity and happiness cut and designed stunningly on the rings of your brides. Lucrative and highly benefits can be gained from the stone. Costly, a sign of class and style, together it’s bringing of good luck by gifting this ring to your bride an engagement ring.

13)    Labradorite

Crystal stone is also known as a charm of lights which has the quality of healing, so one of the best looking stone due to the colorful rays of light seen from the stone. A labradorite stone as an engagement ring is suitable in style and benefits to the bride and family.

14)    Aquamarine

Common color a mixture of blue and green, often used in jewels, the gemstone that can also be a suitable and good choice as an engagement ring.

Above are mentioned of few gemstones, more stones are available in the market that can add further to your of engagement rings but energized stones can give you positive energy and make your life better. You can buy energized gemstones from Shubh Gems for your engagement ring. You will find that these stones are more stylish and attractive then diamonds.