Financial Frauds And What To Do If You Are A Cyber Victim?


Cybercrime attackers can make a victim of cybercrime almost to everyone who has an e-mail id, mobile, internet, using social networking sites & applications and even those who are doing online transactions for business or any other purpose. But we don’t care about it as we are not aware of its impact on our life or until we become a victim of it.Its Impact can make you either hide from the people or complaining from the police station to other in search of justice and make them understand what has happened and how it had happened.Women’s are mainly more targeted here and become the victim of cyberstalking or harassment.Sometimes girls are not ready to complain to police because of fear they get confused what to do? Or some people don’t know where to report the cyber crime or make them understand.what had happened to them?

According to reports, online frauds have most affected the people. Online frauds are committed using the internet as nowadays most transactions are done through internet as people want to save time and to make India a digital India, but attackers found a way to attack people through cyber and theft money from their accounts, to transfer virus that attacks computers to take important information, email spoofing or to make e-commerce sites and sell fictional goods and take money from people. Online fraud can lead to both financial fraud and identity theft.

There is an example these days some people sending spoofing emails on the name of banks and send links to people through messages, emails etc.The main purpose of such emails is to take the information of bank accounts and theft money. Generally, people click on such links as they believe it is from the bank but it is fake and fill their bank details and personal information. Criminals used bank details to take out money from the bank account and further use its identity for further crimes.

Due to increase in such crimes among people Indian cyber army has taken an initiative and establish a Digital investigation agency and We are here to help you and resolve your problems, you don’t need to do anything just call at our Cybercrime helpline number: +91-9968600000.You can complain any cases regarding cyber crimes like spoofing, phishing attacks, online credit card scams etc.Indian cyber army is an information security agency which follows on the rule for the protection of the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of data.

Indian cyber army also working on a mission to provide great ethical hackers who will work for India and work with a motto with us to make CYBER CRIME FREE INDIA. So that’s why along with their helpline services they also have started their training program and providing certification in :

1.   Cybercrime analyst,

2.   Cyber intelligence expert,

3.   Ethical hacking expert,

4.   Financial fraud investigator.

The best part is you will get practical training on live projects. Teaching will be from basics and then lead up to compliance standards, forensics, and cybercrime investigations.