All You Want to Know About Readymade Eyelet Curtains


Tonight or every night, let’s suppose you have a VIP guest from the space! What will be your hospitality?  Wait, just open your curtain, the Moon will be your assistant.

The use of eyelet curtains has become a trend for the last several years. Ready-made eyelet curtains known by several names. You might listen to people calling them “ring top curtains, eyelet top curtains’ or ‘eyelet ring-top curtains.” Whatever, name you to choose, however, designs and styles are the same. Ready-made eyelet curtains have deep wrinkles, which can be seen from top to bottom of the curtain. These wrinkles make amazing matching with deep bold colors and will give a new life to every causal room.

The implication of ready-made Eyelet curtains

Classical eyelet designs ensure that the folds are consistent and the color is absolute along all the way in curtains. Pleated curtains need to be roughly twice as wide as the window but eyelet curtains only need to be one-and-a-half times as wide.  Simply, mean eyelet curtains are the better choice in a tight budget. To ensure a tight fit, mostly eyelet curtains are hand sewn with metal eyelets.

The eyelet curtains are available in several colors and sizes, where you can easily choose your favorite one. Buying them is all about the budget if you want to get high quality but in a low budget then probably it is not possible. You must have to play well to get well. If we look through an economic point of view. The ready-made curtains are cheaper in rate than the custom-designed curtains. One is the actual reason for it is that readymade curtains are made in bulk and might be you know the industrial formulas when something is produced in bulk, the cost of the item will be less than individually-made items.

 The other important thing about bulk work is, you must have to compromise on quality. When something is being produced at a bulk scale, they can’t put proper attention to each and everything. But listen, they both (ready-made and customs design curtains) have their advantages and disadvantages. In short, you will get the same for what you pay. Ready-made curtains can be the best option at the time, first when you are in a rush to buy and second when you have a tight budget.

 Pros and cons of ready-made Eyelet curtains


  • Eyelet curtains have a great heading style which shows off a beautiful pattern.
  • Eyelet curtains have an advantage in the Sense that these styles are simpler and a little less fiddly to hang.
  • Eyelet curtains don’t require the rings as the curtains run across directly across the pole.


  • It is not preferable for a total blackout as light can pass out.
  • It can only be hung from a pole.
  • If the pole requirements are longer than 180 cm than not suitable for single curtains pole.
  • Eyelet curtains have more chances to scratch over time than curtains Rings.

Comparison of eyelet curtains to other headings

There are pinch pleat curtains, pencil pleat curtains, and wave heading. Of course, personal choice matters a lot when it comes to choosing the right curtains heading but every heading has its best use with pros and cons.

 Wave Heading: Wave heading creates a classical and elegant style that shows off the pattern of fabric beauty as there is no folding in it.  Best curtains heading style for stack back. Beautiful and modern design. Doesn’t scratch the patterned fabric. Good for a total blackout effect. one crucial drawback, we have to use a Wave track to hang it. It would be difficult to adjust if you already have a track or pole in the home.

Pencil Pleat: Pencil Pleat Heading is still somewhere the most popular curtain heading. It when pulled up, looks like a row pencil standing on their ends. Many depths are available, the most popular being is 3″ or 6.” It looks good for the short length, full length, or evening pooling on the floor. So, if you have uneven floors in your home, the selection of a pencil pleat could be best for you. It is not good to stack back as the fabric is rushed against itself, so when the curtains are stretched back, it will take up more space.

Pinch Pleat: Pinch pleat healing is a handmade heading that is designed and switched according to the width of your pole by creating a bunch of pleats with gaps. This is a unique heading where the pinches hold the curtains in their pleats. It looks like it hangs in uniform pleats. Pinch Pleats require extra space behind the curtain because fabric folds back. It loses the charm of the curtains.

Faqs about Eyelet Headings

Do eyelet curtains look beautiful?

Eyelet curtains look amazing in sheer and billowy fabric because of its deeper fold in curtains.

The eyelet curtain material is very productive, it is worth it to invest in high quality and good looking poles. The use of Eyelet curtains is only possible with curtains poles that show off, almost industrial feel.

Do eyelet curtains let light in?

Yes, in defending the light, pencil pleat styles will act at the best level. Whereas Eyelet curtains let light in. Even the full-length curtains that touch the floor are also not effective in stopping the upcoming light.

How do I block the lights on the sides of my curtains?

It is advised at the time of installing, hang up your or pole at 8 cm above the window and 10 cm from left and right. This trick will help a lot in blocking from the top.

After long scrolling all, the most important choice among three header types is eyelet curtains, the reason is how the fabric attaches to the pole. Ready-made Eyelet curtains have a classical and charming look that gives dramatic beauty to a window because it’s a deep fold of the fabric.  As eyelet curtains always hang from a pole through metal.