5 factors that make you a good candidate for hair transplant surgery


Hair transplant in India is a widely accepted concept these days as even the youngsters choose this treatment to restore their crown glory along with their confidence and self-respect. This procedure can give you the natural, undetectable and lifetime growing hair without any pain or stitches but it can give its 100% results to the ideal candidates for it. Thus it is very important to access the candidacy for this treatment before choosing this procedure, however your hair transplant doctor can give you the right guidance about your candidacy for the treatment after examining many factors but here are some common factors that are generally considered to know whether the hair transplant is suitable for the particular patient or not?

What makes you the right candidate for hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation is a safe and effective procedure for restoring hair with a natural appearance that grows for life. It is performed under the local anesthesia so that you could have painless and comfortable treatment. During the treatment basically loss resistant donor follicles are extracted from the safe zone of the scalp and transplanted in the targeted areas and for this shifting of follicles two methods are used FUT and FUE hair transplant in Punjab.

This treatment is suitable for all men and women but few traits as mentioned below that your doctor can consider before recommending for the surgery.

Age of the patient

In general this treatment can be taken by the patient of any age but if the patient is under the age of 18 and want to restore hair after abrupt hair loss then he cannot be considered as the ideal candidate as patient is having growing age and with the age his issue of hair loss can also grow or reduce means we cannot ensure that patient is having stabilized hair loss. Even due to DHT in future years his transplanted hair can also get shed. The another important thing to consider about such candidates is that they are not mature enough and even cannot establish their proper expectations about their hair restoration in the coming years their expectations can change means it is possible that in young age the patient can want some other hairstyle or pattern of hair so the patients below the age of 20 are not considered as the good candidates due to their immature hair loss and expectations.

Overall Health

For any surgical procedure health of the patient is examined the same is the case for hair transplantation as for this procedure also patient should be hale and hearty. A candidate who is having good overall health can be considered as the ideal candidate for the surgery as heart patients, diabetics cannot be considered as right candidates for the surgery as there can be various risks to their life during the surgery. Even the patient should be mentally and physically prepared for the surgery so that optimized results can be attained.  Doctors also give special instructions if you are taking any over the counter medicine, blood thinners, or other medications so that any risk or complication due to these medicines during the surgery can be prevented.

Lifestyle choices

For accessing the candidacy lifestyle choices of the patient are also considered like for right candidacy patient must have healthy lifestyle choices like eating a balanced diet, having an active lifestyle, avoiding stress so that after the surgery there will not be any problem in the recovery period. As healthy choices can accelerate the recovery process and can minimize the potential risks or side effects of the surgery. Even if you are disturbed sleeping patterns, the habit of smoking or alcohol consumption then also you could have a slower recovery and even these habits can affect adversely to the results of hair transplant surgery.

Commitment for post-operative care

Your positive and active contribution for aftercare can make a huge difference to the results of this surgery so your commitment to follow the aftercare instructions matters a lot and this commitment can make you the right candidate for the surgery.

Realistic expectations

If you are having realistic expectations from the surgery which are medically possible to achieve then you are an ideal candidate for the surgery. As sometimes patients want a number of grafts and they do not have a sufficient supply of donor hair follicles then they cannot be considered as good candidates for the surgery.