What are PRP and its benefits? What are different options in PRP therapy?


PRP treatment in India is not new as from many years PRP is used to treat the patients of joint problems and even for the patients of hair loss. Thus it is important to know about PRP and how it works for our body to heal it?

PRP is enriched blood platelets that are prepared from the patient’s own blood. PRP therapy is based on the principle that human Blood has the little packets of growth cells and healing molecules that can help the body to react in case of injury, disease or trauma and even help to heal the body. Thus while giving PRP therapy in Punjab these healing molecules are injected in the body of the patient so that healing power of the body can be boosted up.

How PRP is prepared?

PRP means the platelet rich Plasmas are drawn from the patient’s own blood. Forgetting these enriched plasmas, patient’s blood is taken in the small amount and then this blood is centrifuged with controlled conditions of heat and temperature.  Then the enriched plasmas are separated from the blood of the patient. These plasmas have 4-5 times more concentration of platelets than the normal blood. Thus with the simple medical practice, these highly concentrated platelets are obtained for the patient’s treatment.

Benefits of PRP

As these are highly concentrated cells prepared from the patient’s own blood so there is no risk of infection or non-acceptance of the PRP injections

  1. These enriched plasmas stimulate the growth of hair and make them healthy and denser
  2. PRP therapy is the cost-effective procedure of few minutes
  3. PRP injections are a non-invasive treatment option for patients

What are the options in PRP?

There can be different kinds of PRP on the basis of different preparations of these enriched growth cells. Different lab practices can make the difference in the kinds of these cells. For example, some PRP samples are purely red as these contain copious red blood cells and the white blood cells and other can be the more amber samples. However, the betterment of any kind of PRP sample is not proved clinically but researches claim that Red samples promote the inflammation more than the amber samples.

Apart from this lab practices can make the huge difference to the betterment of PRP as in the lab while creating PRP samples there are few things that need to keep in mind like

  1. Adjustment in the processing of unique properties of the patient’s blood sample
  2. Higher concentration of the platelets

Customization of the PRP concentrations according to the specific needs of patients like A7X which has 7 times more concentrated than normal blood and A20X which has 20 times more concentrated than normal blood.