Vision Statement

vision statement


A company’s vision statement depicts the maximum levels of a company’s doing and its hopes and dreams of future goals. The mission statement is an outline of the entire company’s memorandum, which can brief one of the company’s overall ideas.

What is a vision statement?

A Vision Statement provides a direct and straightforward way of understanding the company’s ideals and motives. It makes it easy for the employees and the stakeholders to grab the purposes quickly. It provides long term results that are desired from the efforts put in by the company as well as its people. It serves as the lofty purpose to glorify all the company’s foresight and make it one impactful statement. It gives one an idea of both the top line and the bottom line of the company stating its maximum turnover and the minimum loss.

Vision statement examples

Some of the most popular Vision statement which can inspire one to write one of their own is as follows:

  • Intel- With intel, it’s best and always connected.
  • Amazon- A company that is made just for the customer where customers search and find anything and everything to buy online.
  • Google- To give access to the full information of the world in only one click.
  • Caterpillar- Our vision is a world in which all people’s basic needs- such as pure water, proper hygiene, eatery, and durable power- are fulfilled favorably, and a company that improves the quality of the weather and also for the communities where one lives and work together..
  • Patagonia- Produce the product with perfection, with no recurring harm, and do business to improvise the solutions to the crisis of all ways.
  • Ben & Jerry’s- Always providing you with the best ice cream in the best possible way.

What is a mission statement?

Mission Statement is a term that defines the purpose of its being in a very concise manner. It is tiny, like one single sentence or a small paragraph. Mission Statement serves several purposes together, making sure that the employees focus on their work and looking for an innovative way of moving ahead with the company’s desires and aims. In general, the Mission Statement tells what a company does, how work is done in a company, and its reasons.

Mission statement examples

Mission Statement varies from company to company. The example of some of the most reputed companies’ mission statements for the year 2017 is listed here.

  • Starbucks- To inspire the human spirit and nurture it effectively.
  • JP Morgan- To be one of the best financial services company in the entire world.
  • Chipotle- To change the way people have been eating fast food.
  • Walmart- We save money for the people to give them a better life.
  • Microsoft- Ensure every organization to achieve the best.
  • Nike- To inspire and innovate every athlete all over.
  • Tesla- To increase the world’s transformation to sustainable energy.
  • South West Airlines- South West Airlines is dedicated to the best quality of customer service delivered with a sense of cordiality, individual respect, and spirit.
How is a mission statement different from a vision statement?

A company’s mission statement differs from the vision statement. The vision statement can change subject to the expiry of the time period for which it was formed and in any other extraordinary events that are materialistic and have a significant influence upon the company’s working. In contrast, the Mission statement remains constant as it denotes and defines the object for which the company was incorporated and changed only due to uncertain and unavoidable situations that question the company’s entire existence as a going concern. The mission statement states the company’s objective for which it is formed, whereas vision is a tool whereby it helps the company achieve its goals stated in the mission. Mission statements are not just for small or large companies but also for personal mission statements for individuals varying in nature.

How long should a mission statement be?

Generally, the average number of words of a mission statement is approximately twenty-nine characters, but there is no such fixed length or an appropriate answer to be accurate. In general, one should keep the mission statement in between not more than four to five sentences and should not be more than 100 words. It basically should serve the purpose of communicating one’s ideas and aims and not to brag about it.  The mission statement should be written by some professional who has an art of writing. One gets a fair idea by taking a look over some of the reputed company’s mission statement.

Best mission and vision statement examples from real companies

Here are some of the mission statement vs. vision statements of some of the reputable companies:


  • Mission- To make the information of the world readily accessible and useful for everyone.
  • Vision- To give access to the full information of the world in only one click.


Mission- Goodwill nourishes the social status and quality of life of individuals and families with the various communities and eradicating all the problems and also helps everyone in need to reach their maximum capability in learning and even the work power.

Vision- Every person can accomplish his/her potential and be a party to in all facets of life.

Feeding America

Mission- To feed hungry people through the worldwide network by using various food banks and different sources to ensure our country is free from hunger in all ways.

Vision- America, which is always hunger-free and no hunger would prevail.


Mission- To empower every person and every organization in the world to accomplish and aim for more.
Vision- To make people and various businesses in the entire world understand their full capability.