Top 10 Technology Trends to be followed in 2018

Top 10 Technology Trends to be followed in 2018

Technology’s growth seems to be never-ending. Many trends started with a great buzz and soon fizzled out. But there are several trends that are predicted to rule in 2018. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers predicts future trends in computing every year. Let’s examine and discuss the trends they highlighted for 2018!

Machine/Deep Learning

Machine learning (deep learning, to be more precise) is on the brink. Deep learning (DL) is being explored by companies that work with terabytes of data. Amazon is even making graphical processing units (GPU) for data learning. And Google is already running DL on tensor processing units (TPUs). DL is actually making it simple to manage tons of data, and helps in reducing the amount of data on your network and its propagation back to the data centers.


We have seen the trend of Bitcoin emerge in a very short time span. Bitcoin, Etherium, Litecoin, DTR, Ripple, and more have become common currencies to trade with. It is expected that they will continue to grow, and that they will be adopted for high-stakes trading. This higher trading of cryptocurrency will require advanced cybersecurity as the stakes get higher and higher.

Blockchain Technology

The blockchain is a new technology typically based on the process of hashing. It actually laid the foundation for cryptocurrency, and helps in executing smart contracts. Peer to peer computation and crypto currency are increasing the odds of blockchain adoption. It has been predicted that increased expansion will increase the chances of Blockchain technology implementations

Internet of Things? Nah! Industrial Internet of Things Is the New Thing

Blockchain, the Internet of Things, and several other technologies are greatly dependent on data learning. Industrial IoT is considered a technology which has an extensive use of edge computing within it. Prognosticators tend to think that it will continue to adopt a broader set of DL technical offerings.


As children, many of us were introduced to the concept of robotics. Since then, we have seen those concepts being implemented and taking actual shape. The market for robotics has increased to the point that robots have replaced humans in several industries. These robots are expected to be integrated further into the medical space in the near future. Robotics, combined with DL and AI, will experience major evolution’s in 2018.

All this technological progress wouldn’t have been possible without the internet. We wouldn’t have been able to send loads of data without the internet, but now we can do it in just a matter of seconds. All the internet service providers are doing great in providing incredible speeds, but Xfinity triple play package is one of a kind.

Tech giants are always looking into the future. Let’s see how their prophecies pan out. Keep yourself up to date with the latest trends and review this again at the end of the year to see how closely these trends match with reality.

Assisted Transportation

You must have heard of driver-less cars that drive themselves with the help of sensors by now. There are several obstacles to putting automated vehicles on the roads, and production is slowing down as a result. That said, mechanisms have been developed that inform you about vacant parking spaces, alert you to leave the crowded lane, and more. It expected that machine learning will be deployed in the automotive industry.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality has already enthralled gamer the world over. It is expected that the trend will grow even more, with 3D projection and motion detector interfaces. The interaction with the virtual world will be made so real that the user will feel like they really are in a different world.


In order to experience the best of 3D, efficient hardware is needed. Accelerators are making their way into the market with the growing craze of 3D. Accelerators are being used to even improve the performance of the hardware. A broader application of accelerators has been forecasted by all of the major tech giants.


Cybersecurity is a major concern for everyone. The technological revolution has connected us, but has also made us prone to attacks. Because of that, cybersecurity experts have put their heads together to find out a way which ensures the privacy of every online individual. In order to make cybersecurity stronger, AI will need to become more sophisticated and robust.

Laws and Policies for Privacy

We all know that technology has grown to the point that it is challenging our ability to control it. A mandatory guidance for privacy has already been rolled out, and is now being implemented into intelligence systems. As such, the adoption of ethics and laws of security will be enforced in all industries that use technology in ways large and small.