Tips for Writing Books for Beginners


Recently close to one year I developed interest in writing and I have written two books, My Experiences and Come fall in love with Marketing. So I thought why not share my thoughts and experiences on writing books which will be of great help especially for those who are beginners in writing books.

The first important thing before writing any book is to choose the topic on which you want to write a book. Some people might think writing a book can make me an overnight star or make me famous, but that should not be the attitude. Others might think of choosing a topic of what successful people have chosen, please even don’t do that.

Always be or stay natural or honest when you choose a topic for writing a book. So how to do that?

Bring out the interest and passions within you, with the help of this put before yourself some topics and note them on a piece of paper or keep it in your mind, maybe 4-5 topics. Now choose 1-2 topics of your choice and finalize one topic. Once you fix the topic on you are going to write a book, fix it in your mind and don’t allow it to deviate for 1-2 days, let the topic keep flowing in your mind which will help you to develop ideas for writing your book.

After a couple of days as soon as you get ideas starts writing small chapters, starting with chapter 1 here, when ideas have stopped coming, stop writing, explore the things outside, and meet different people,  read different things, you will again bounce back with some ideas, again start writing, this way you need to continue writing your first chapter. The rough copy of the first chapter is now ready, read the first chapter once, twice or thrice, you will find mistakes, correct it and again prepare a new copy, again read it and correct, do it until it reaches out to your expectation and satisfaction. Once the first chapter is finalized, share it with your close friends and family members or whomever you trust. Take the feedback from them, but be sure only to absorb the constructive feedback, incorporate them and prepare the final copy of the first chapter. Check the grammar and spelling mistakes with your skills or with available tools on the internet. Now you are done with the first chapter.

In the same way, write all the chapters of your book. Before you finalize the book, read the entire book once again to make yourself comfortable with the book.

The next thing you need to do is to choose the title for your book, make sure the title you choose for the book must be relevant and resemble the content of your book; else it will make no sense in writing your book.

Next, write down the details about the book (Book Description), like what is book all about, what does it talk about, its helpfulness, from where you got the content, etc…

Finally write down about yourself (The Author), your name, qualification, profession, I mean disclose your personal information you wish to in Author details.

Now your book is complete in writing if you wish to give a good shape to your book and want to make it reach the audience, go ahead with the publishing of your book.

For publishing your book there are two ways, either you can publish your book for free or by publishing it by paying it to the publisher. For both the options you need to browse different publishers on the internet and get the details. The publisher who publishes your book for free is totally free, no cost, you just need to fill in the details in the template provided by the publisher and they will approve your book as per their standards and publish it and make your book sell on their available websites to reach the audience and receive the royalty of your book and The second option is publish your book by paying some amount to the publisher, actually, the publisher has different packages for that, you can choose the appropriate and affordable package which suits you, publisher corrects your content, font, color, front cover, back cover, etc… and other details and make your book completely design and shape it in a professional way before they publish it and make your book sell on their available websites to reach the audience and receive the royalty of your book. This is a very small article for those who are interested in writing books and hope it helps the audience who are all reading this.