Rooney – A trendsetter for hair transplant


Rooney-The ace player

Wayne Rooney is the ace footballer who represents the England national football team. He is known the world over for his football skills and daredevil moves.

Rooney has ruled the soccer world with an iron hand or you may say an iron foot. The ace player has been in the news lately for his impressive performance and smashing goals.

The difficult phase

But things were not so well some time ago. He was undergoing severe mental stress due to allegations on his character. He was also dealing with hair loss and a balding head. He emerged well out of his personal mess and wowed his fans with a new fully haired head. The new look hit the bull’s eye. When we prodded further, it was revealed that Rooney had opted for a hair transplant to revive his tresses. His decision influenced many fans and commoners who were not very well acquainted with the Hair Transplant in Bangalore.

The event that changed it all

Rooney emerged a new person after the transplant. He oozed confidence inside out. Back then, it was not such a popular procedure. People were resigned to their fate if they started balding. They accepted it as their destiny to spend life with a balding or a smooth head. But Rooney changed the way people looked at transplant. It goes without saying that Rooney contributed greatly to popularising the procedure. After Rooney went in for it, many people started viewing it as a favourable solution to their hair fall woes.

Rooney’s decision helped in making the process famous. Hair Transplant has been around for years but few people thought of trying it out. Seeing the brilliant results on Rooney, there was a great flow of people to get their hair transplanted.

The wonderful results

In the hair transplant, the areas with sparse growth are marked as the recipient areas. The back of the head and the sides generally have better growth than the centre of the head in case of people facing hair loss. These areas, where the growth is normal, are marked as donor areas. During the hair transplant, the hair from the donor area is extracted and then grafted on to the recipient areas. Two distinct techniques, FUT and FUE are used to perform this action. Both the techniques are in use but many prefer FUE for its less scarring and less painful method. Both the processes are absolutely safe, provided you opt for a well-known clinic with an experienced doctor. Generally, local anaesthesia is given therefore there are minimum chances of complication. Any chances of allergic reaction of the body are also ruled out as the patient himself is the donor as well as the recipient, you all can also follow best Eyebrow Hair Transplant in India that will provide you best guide of instructions and procedure with low cost best results as compared to other countries.

The life after the surgery

The patient can return to his daily activities over a period of twenty-four hours and resume his official duties after a period of 3 days. Some precautions have to be taken for a certain period of time, like direct exposure to sunlight, refraining from swimming and avoiding any strenuous activity which could cause a stress on the scalp. Proper care for maintaining hygiene and keeping the infections at bay is strongly recommended. No need to worry if you comply with the doctor’s instruction