How to gain Happiness-Peace of mind


The purpose of this article to understand how to gain peace of mind.

Peace of mind is all about happiness.

Usually we start searching for peace of mind when 50-60% of our life is completed, but I feel one has to understand the meaning of happiness at a very early age to gain peace of mind.

First, every person needs to focus on reducing the unnecessary needs in their life, and try to be happy with whatever one has. Parents are the key players, to make children understand how to be happy rather than helping in getting unnecessary needs.

There are some parents where they have very little money but still in order to fulfill the unnecessary needs of children they take out loans to make their children happy. The more wants are fulfilled, the more the expectation of children. Further failing to fulfilling the needs of children leads to frustration, and they start losing happiness as happiness does not live in all those needs.


One person losing happiness impacts multiple people, may be parents, family, friends, relatives..etc. By now you understand where the basic foundation of happiness starts from. This approach of happiness is applicable to all kinds people, whether they belong to lower, middle or upper class.

You may be wondering why I have been explaining about happiness to understand at a young age, and the reason is as the age of a person increases, the capability of a person to understand the meaning of happiness goes difficult.

You usually might have noticed people start joining yoga, meditation, and gym classes after they get married or when they start working, but this gives temporary peace of mind.

The above is a glimpse of what and how we loose peace of mind and why.

How one can gain happiness and peace at a very early age with less effort. Make children adopt more natural things rather than artificial things, as natural things are free of cost and long lasting. Examples would be, going to temple, gardening, reading the library, taking them with you for a morning walk, so that they can feel the fresh natural air rather than artificial things built at home.

If they wish to have ice cream or any other outside stuff, see if possible that can be home made or bring them home and enjoy it in the home with the family which will give them more happiness and help them stay connected. Spend money on games, clothes, shows, movies but try to keep them within limits. Travel once every 3 months for a short time to different places.

I know its easy to say but hard to comply, but if at least 60% of such things are done, then yoga and meditation is attained within themselves till long age. Even at any point of time if they loose happiness/peace the foundation will help them to gain it back.

To conclude there are many ways to attain happiness/peace, but actually we need to develop this within ourselves and not by any course