5 Best Workouts to Transform Your Body


Working out has various purposes: either you want to lose weight, or you want to lose fat and enhance muscle build-up. Other than that, irrespective of gender or age, it is essential for every individual to maintain physical activity to remain healthy. The ideal workouts for you will be determined by your overall health, age, and endurance.

Which Workout Types Are the Best to Transform Your Body?

You can try the 90 day body transformation program for optimal results. Your regular workout only requires five movements, one from each of the following categories, which you can do in the comfort of your home regularly and watch your body transform.

1: Stabilizing Your Core


Lie on the floor, face down. Raise your body by bending your elbows at a 90° angle and engage your core. Stabilize your feet by lifting yourself on your toes. Maintain the position for 30 seconds on day one, adding 5 seconds as you progress without exceeding 2 minutes. Ensure to engage your tummy muscles.

Bird Dog

Get down on your knees and put your hands out in front of you, pressing against the floor. Raise your right hand and stretch your left leg, keeping both parallel to the floor. Maintain this pose to a count of 3, then switch the arm and leg, breathing out as you stretch. Start with 20 seconds on the first day, adding sets of 5 without exceeding 50.

2: Pushing Away from You

Bench Presses

Lie on a bench facing up. With your hands apart (shoulder width), hold a heavy dumbbell at your sternum and bend your elbows into your sides. Push the dumbbell above your chest by extending your arms. Hold the position briefly, then lower it to the starting position.

Walking Push-ups

Begin with a classic push-up, then get into a horizontal rock-climbing posture by bringing your right knee towards your right elbow. Use your right arm to reach forward, then walk your body forward, putting you back into the push-up position. Repeat with the left side and continue for about a minute.

3: Tugging Towards You


Hang from either end of a chin-up bar, keeping your feet off the ground. Pull up until your chin touches your hands, starting with your arms outstretched. Return to the beginning position, but instead of immediately starting your next pull-up, lift your knees towards your chest, stop, and then lower them. Repeat 10 to 15 times.


Lie on your back, feet flat, knees bent, and fingers touching your ears. Gradually draw your knees to your chest as you flex your spine using your abs. After that, lift your buttocks off the floor with your hands placed next to your hips until you straighten out your legs. Use your upper body to push, not your feet. Repeat a sit-up, and go forward this time completing the move. Repeat for about a minute.

4: Knee Flexing

Squats are ideal for novices to begin with, whereas lunges need more balance and coordination to master. Lunges are excellent for shaping and defining the glutes and legs, as well as increasing stability, coordination, and balance. Squats will help you gain muscle mass while boosting your endurance and stamina.


Stand with your feet apart (shoulder width). Squat while bending your knees and lifting your arms with your elbows bent. Return to your feet while dropping your hands. Begin with 10 sets, gradually adding 5 sets during each session, but ensure not to exceed 50. Maintain your shoulders down and back straight all through.


Stand tall. With one foot, step forward until your leg is at a 90° angle. Your front knee should not extend past your toes, and your back knee should be parallel to the ground. Get back to the starting position by lifting your front lunging leg. Repeat alternating legs until you’ve completed 10-12 reps each leg.

5: Bending from The Middle

Hip Raises

Lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground and knees bent, with your hand’s palm down next to your body, pressing against the floor. Lift your back off the ground while exhaling and tightening your glutes, tummy tucked in. Hold the stance for 5 seconds before gently returning to the beginning position. Begin with 15 sets. Continue to add 5 sets at a time without exceeding 50.

In Conclusion

Always ensure to never over-exert yourself and slow down if you have been injured. To monitor your results, keep a journal and take your measurements at the beginning of the exercise regime and check back every 30-days. Be consistent and patient.

To keep things interesting, diversify your routine and try doing some outdoor workouts. You could do cycling HIIT (high-intensity interval training) with power meter pedals to measure your performance. Swimming is also a great, fun full-body exercise. Staying motivated is essential to achieving your fitness goals

Wear comfortable slimming shapewear to feel more motivated to get up and exercise daily. Finding simple ways to motivate yourself like wearing nice exercise clothes can greatly improve your drive and help keep you going.

If you suffer from conditions such as cardiovascular disease, arthritis, or high blood pressure, you should chat with your doctor as to what’s appropriate for you before embarking on an exercise routine.