5 tech trends that are shaping trade show interface


As the technology is paving ways for more entrepreneurs to enter the business arena, the competition between corporate outfits is becoming intense. The technology has greatly influenced the way we did business but now it is shaping the whole trends. Almost every company or organization nowadays regardless of its size is using the latest technological advancements to coup the ever-changing and fast-growing world of business. It is also reshaping the way technology was used for business occasions, gatherings, and events. Consider the example of a trade show; some time ago the main point of focus was to compel the audience to visit the booth. But now the whole scenario has changed and planners now put great emphasis on technology to persuade and compel visitors to cross the booth’s line. The very fruitful advantage that using tech brings is the stream of leads gets flowing the booth’s way. The key rule of any marketing strategy is engagement and this is where gadgets are very good. Not only does it keeps the visitors interested but also provides interactivity and putting lasting impressions. Here we will discuss how to use the latest Audio-visual technology in trade shows.

Event planning software:

This is the Big Bang of all the efforts managers are going to put in to make a trade show booth a success. While the planning phase is underway, choosing the right event planning software will set the course for any planner to get the maximum benefit from the event. Such software applications really provide a great way to analyze the whole occasion from the very starting till the last minutes. Not only this, but managers can also measure the Return on Investment and each other aspect that brought any leads. But choosing the right application is also crucial, the best applications provide an optimal time frame to figure out best design. The most important factor that should be present in any application is data analytics to track the performance before, during and after the day.

Charging Station:

Mobile is a basic necessity nowadays and believes me we cannot live without it for 5 minutes. Smartphones being a primary means of communication nowadays have even more important during such gatherings and occasions. Unfortunately keeping them up and running is very difficult as they have a very little battery power. The charging station is the best ingredient to attract people searching for an outlet to charge these devices.

During the time when a consumer is charging his/her, the booth hosts can use this time to promote a service or product with the help of different visual aids.

iPad or mobile based applications:

The best way to leverage mobile technology while increasing brand awareness is by offering an iPad application that can help the audience during the trade show somehow. This is the smartest way of not only attracting the buyers towards your booth but also collecting valuable leads through it. Even if you cannot incorporate a mobile application, using iPad hire for corporate events and tradeshows is another best way to leverage mobile technology.

Wearable gadgets:

Wearable gadgets are the best way to capture the interests of the visitors but also to collect some very useful information from the audience. These devices can interact with other devices in the booth to better and instantly collect any suitable information.

Wrapping up:

How to use the latest audio-visual technology in the trade show, now you have streamlined a bulk of information and ready to get your hands on with this one. But one thing that remains a question is where to get the technology as buying this bulk amount would shake any organizations finance department. Also, it does not seem a wise decision to buy technology for a very little use of it. So how to get on with it, leveraging the tablet and iPad rental organizations is one optimum way of doing it. Such companies offer the lowest quotes and what you can get here is top-class service with tons of benefits.