Snacking – best with the butcher!


When steak we ask for origin, attitude, and feeding. We want to know everything very well. With the salami slice on the frozen pizza, we are less interested in these things. We often buy a Meatloaf wake-up at the gas station or grab the nicely packaged snacks made from dough and salami in the discounter shelf – uncooled for several months.

If we were to focus on food quality intensively and comprehensively, our buying decisions would be different. We would recognize the expertise of the baker for all pasta, the confectioner’s skill for all sweet snacks, and the butcher’s responsibility for all meat snacks. Even if we took a closer look at the price-performance ratio, we would consistently prefer the manual suppliers.

Snack and price

Let’s start with a mental exercise on the price-performance ratio: Please determine the maximum price limit you would pay for a so-called “menu” of a burger chain store. You will call now seven, eight or nine Euros. And now please determine the maximum price limit for a Meatloaf wake-up, a roll with a meatball or a sandwich. You probably go here for 2.50 or 2.80 Euros. Now check out: Would your stomach even be able to eat as many butcher snacks as you could buy for the price of a so-called “menu” from the Burger Brothers? Market observations show, long before we deal with quality issues: Snacks from the butcher are generally and in all regions of Germany very cheap! You just get a lot for your money.

Snack and craft

We want to be enlightened and responsible consumers. Sustainability and social responsibility are important concerns to us. Our consumption should be harmful – neither to the climate nor to the humans or the animals on this planet. The working and economic way that best suits our ideas is called craft. Remember, ten times as many fair hours are paid for a snack from the butcher’s shop as for an industrial snack from the discounter.

When butchers make meatballs or meatloaf, the same rules apply as with meat selection and other sausage production: the butchers do it the way they like to eat it themselves. They do not produce for anonymous clients, but also for their own families.

In short, they want to be proud of what they produce. Such craftsmanship values create a particularly high level of safety and quality for the snacks from the butcher’s specialty store. The fact that this is the case is not guaranteed by an adhesive label on the snack, but by the person responsible master butcher.

Snack and individuality

The customizability of food was not invented by “Mymuesli”, where you can compose a whopping 566 quadrillion muesli options out of 80 ingredients. Even decades before such funny trends conquered the food industry; the individual snack was a standard in every butcher’s shop.

The specialist salespersons at the butcher, who often present more than 100 types of sausage in the service counters, naturally cut exactly the desired varieties. From various bread rolls and many types of sausage and ham, the favorite snack for every customer. This is simply the better system than if the industrially produced sandwich is the commodity.

Thus, the snack also shows the strength of the serving counter with qualified staff behind it. Since even unusual combinations are realized at a low price. Try it out. For example, say at your butcher’s counter: “Please a lye roll with a slice of Appenzell cheese and four slices of air-dried ham.”

Snack and freshness

From the roast and goulash kitchen, we know dishes that are better by reheating again. But virtually all meaty snacks taste fresh best: The freshly made bread makes more desire for food than the packaged and durable sandwich. The best freshness for meaty snacks is the butcher.

Every morning schnitzel from fresh meat breaded and meatballs are formed, sandwiches with fresh sausage and fresh Meat loaf rescued. The fact that white sausages, Viennese sausages or strings are freshly made every day is usually a matter of honor for the butcher. Competing for freshness is our desire for convenience and time savings. Therefore, a tip to all drivers: Even at the motorway exit is the next butcher snack often not far.

Snack and origin

It’s about the origin of the meat. Question: Are we really critical consumers or are we only critical of the situation? Many of us ignore quality issues, perhaps because “we want to eat now and here” or “because it’s already late”. Then we compromise on our quality criteria. As critical consumers, we should also ask meatloaf where the meat comes from. Clearly: At the gas station, this question does not fit. For the butcher, it would be an almost natural question. The salesperson would answer us: “From the same good meat you see in our bar, our butchers make fresh Meatloaf every morning.” Indeed, no meatier would come up with the idea of cheap, industrially produced Meatloaf for his snack to buy.

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